Saturday, August 23, 2014


Antra Kozlova with her best painting... so far...

In summer, 2014 I was working as a Photographer on a Cruise Ship M/S Romantika and M/S Baltic  Queen. One day at work I met that girl from Latvia...

I saw her drawing some picture I directly went to her and we started talking about art and drawing and paintings we have done so far... 
She have something different than other artists.. She is young but she already have found her style in art.. just wonderful, right? :)

So, anyway, She was on board for two days and nights.. On free time we were drawing and drawing something cool.. I was drawing something for her and she did the same for me. (heh,, it means two nights without any sleeping time for me, but it was pleasure... :) ).

Here are two examples: 

I might say there is a lot of feelings behind this great
drawing.. Simple, but perfect!

This is the drawing what she did for me. Thank You Antra!

Just one Wonderful Tattoo sketch

Me, Photographer Mark and Artist form Latvia, Antra on M/S Romantika.


Raido Rentnik
Summer 2014

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